Sanwa Dental Co., Ltd.

  • Other

We offer dental prostheses with excellent aesthetic properties and good chewing performance. We deliver the "joy of firm chewing" and the "pleasure of smiling a toothy smile without embarrassment" to help promote oral health and happiness. Additionally, based on the expertise and know-how accumulated over many years, we are committed to delivering high-quality prosthetic services and contribute the sound development of dentistry for the happiness of patients, dental clinics, dental technician offices, and other medical practitioners.

3D laser MB
3D laser MB
Smile Denture
Smile Denture
3D laser titanium denture base
3D laser titanium denture base

Specialized Products, Technologies and Services


We bring new winds to the dental industry in Japan by launching one product after another that are new to Japan, such as crack-free aesthetic dental prostheses(smile Denture) and metal bonds and titanium denture bases(3D-Laser-Metal Bond and 3D-Laser-Titan) manufactured using 3D laser printing technology.


We introduce new technologies from abroad ahead of competitors and excel in spreading them throughout Japan. We constantly collect information with a strong interest in new overseas products.


With actual cooperation with overseas partners, we manufacture and sell not only dentures and prostleses but also dental-related products, including toothbrushes and cleaning agents, sleep apnea prevention devices, and snoring prevetion products.

Current Status of Overseas Business

On-site production China and Thailand
Sales bases (incl. dealerships) Thailand
Export Thailand
Import China, Thailand, and Unites States
Outsourcing production /processing China and Thailand
Technology partnerships China and Thailand
R&D bases China and Thailand

Key Business Partners

Sanwa Dental (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Beijing Liaison Dental Technology Co., Ltd.
Thermoplastic Comfort System, Inc.

Future Target Countries and Regions

United States, China, and Southeast Asia

Overseas Business Prospects

Company Information

Representative Mr.Kaichiro Suganuma
Address 32-21 Higashiminemachi,Ota-ku,Tokyo, Ota-ku, Tokyo 145-0074
Established in 1982
Capital 72 million yen
Employees 80
International Certification (e.g. ISO)


Name Administrative Department
Tel +81-3-3750-7144
Fax +81-3-3750-9289