• Metal machining
  • Plastic and rubber processing
  • Processing of glass, ceramics and composites
  • Processing of special materials

-Ultrafine and ultra-small diameter hole drilling services-
We pursue the limits and possibilities by taking on the challenge of machining with a high degree of difficulty.
We are a small group of elite engineers who are always striving to improve our technology and truly enjoy the excitement of manufacturing together.

Micro hole machining of mechanical pencil lead
Micro hole machining of mechanical pencil lead
Made-to-order nozzles
Made-to-order nozzles
(L) Deep cavity machining (R) SUSφ10-100μm cavity machining
(L) Deep cavity machining (R) SUSφ10-100μm cavity machining

Specialized Products, Technologies and Services

Ultra-fine machining by cutting

■ Micro hole drilling: Minimum diameter: Starting from 0.01mm
■ Micro-grooving: Minimum width: Starting from 0.01 mm

Deep cavity cutting

Aspect ratio 200 times (ratio of depth to machining diameter)
We have samples of φ0.15 mm holes machined into glass spheres with a depth of 30 mm and φ0.1 mm holes machined into glass spheres with a depth of 10 mm.

Current Status of Overseas Business

On-site production
Sales bases (incl. dealerships)
Export Germany
Outsourcing production /processing
Technology partnerships
R&D bases

Key Business Partners

Future Target Countries and Regions

Overseas Business Prospects

Company Information

Representative Representative Director Kenta Takahashi
Address 1-13-10 Higashi Rokugo, Ota-ku, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0046
Established in 1953
Capital 10 million yen
Employees 12
International Certification (e.g. ISO)


Name Masumi Takahashi
Position Managing Director
Tel +81-3-3739-3121
Fax +81-3-3739-3129