Ota City Industrial Promotion Organization

profiles of companies

profiles of companies

Kishimoto Industry Co., Ltd.

  • Plastic and rubber processing
  • Molds, jigs, tools, gauges
  • Other
  • Metal machining
  • Processing of glass, ceramics and composites
  • Processing of special materials
  • Machine assembly, unit assembly

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 Phantom for surgical technique practice Phantom for surgical technique practice
Pinboard for medical devices Pinboard for medical devices
Acrylic design parts by 3D processing Acrylic design parts by 3D processing
Unit for fluid visualization by cutting Unit for fluid visualization by cutting
Mechanical parts and  Parts mounted on the spacecraft Mechanical parts and Parts mounted on the spacecraft
 Medical device housing parts Medical device housing parts
Precision Plastic Plate Machining Precision Plastic Plate Machining
Precision Plastic Plate Machining Precision Plastic Plate Machining
Transport tray by Full Flat processing Transport tray by Full Flat processing
Transport tray by Full Flat processing Transport tray by Full Flat processing
 Phantom for surgical technique practice
Pinboard for medical devices
Acrylic design parts by 3D processing
Unit for fluid visualization by cutting
Mechanical parts and  Parts mounted on the spacecraft
 Medical device housing parts
Precision Plastic Plate Machining
Precision Plastic Plate Machining
Transport tray by Full Flat processing
Transport tray by Full Flat processing

Kishimoto Industry’s Full Flat Machining technology, which allows us to stably process plastic sheet thicknesses to within ±30μ, enables us to machine plastic to the same level of dimensional accuracy as metal.

Specialized Products, Technologies and Services

Visualization Machining Technology

Acrylic visualization is one of our strongest technologies. Visualization machining is a technology that responds to the demands for visualization of internal flow and movement, such as fluid confirmation, and observation of the inside of machines and equipment with a camera. We have the technology to machine the inside of the hole with high transparency and to reproduce the fit with metal parts. Reproduces both the transparency of visible contents and the dimensional accuracy of being usable as mechanical parts. Since there is no grinding, the fit and dimensional accuracy are reliable. Available in single to medium lots for internal observation.
We have a wealth of experience in fluid observation and internal visualization, especially at the request of research and development organizations and equipment manufacturers. Available in single to medium lots for internal observation.

Precision Plastic Plate Machining(Full Flat Machining)

We provide high-precision plastic plates on demand and in the size and quantity required. This contributes to improved machining and assembly accuracy, reduced man-hours, and reduced waste emissions.

【Advantages of Full Flat Machining】
●High accuracy (thickness tolerance can be specified)
 Full Flat Machining allows for uniform thicknesses in a wide range of areas, and thickness tolerances can be freely specified.
●High surface accuracy and clean cut finish
 Transparent materials such as acrylics are also finished in a clean cut manner without compromising transparency.
●Reduced machining time/improved productivity
 The number of man-hours for primary machining is greatly reduced.
●Reducing emissions and eco-friendly procurement
 The amount of waste such as chips and scraps can also be reduced.
●Material conversion is possible
 High precision makes it possible to switch materials from metal.You can expect lighter, rust-free and higher precision machining than ever before.

【Usage Examples and Applied Fields】
・Soldering tank flow/reflow palette
・Trays and pallets for substrate transfer
・Checkerboards, pinboards
・IC-related parts, various precision machine work
・Jig production and fine machining
・Semiconductor, aircraft and automotive parts
・Pallets, trays, and other parts for various production lines
・Components for measuring instruments
・Research and development of new materials
・Test specimen production

Precision Plastic Machining Technology

We machine plastic parts by cutting. We excel at machining single items to a wide variety of products in small lots that require an especially high level of accuracy, in areas such as automotive, medical, measuring instruments and semiconductors. Dimensional accuracy of ±0.03 is our standard. We have a lot of experience in the machining of high-performance materials such as super engineering plastics and plastic composites.

We accept many machining requests that have been rejected by other companies in the past, such as precision projects that could not be done by other companies due to dimensional tolerances and mismatches, and projects with difficult configurations.

Current Status of Overseas Business

On-site production
Sales bases (incl. dealerships)
Outsourcing production /processing
Technology partnerships
R&D bases

Key Business Partners

Panasonic Group
ARRK Corporation
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Future Target Countries and Regions

North America

Overseas Business Prospects

Company Information

Representative Tetsumi Kishimoto
Address 4-18-8 Nishirokugo,, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0056
URL https://kishimotokogyo.co.jp/
Established in 1982
Capital 15 million yen
Employees 13
International Certification (e.g. ISO)


Name Yuko Sudou
Position Director
Tel +81-3-5703-8171
Fax +81-3-5703-8173

Ota City, Tokyo. Home of the excellent 4,200+ manufacturers

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